Friday, December 03, 2004

An Apparition

Have you ever been haunted by a distant memory? A person you've met a few years ago on the streets by pure chance, or an old elementary classmate who moved away after one mere year of your acquaintance? I remember her. She was in my grade 7 class, and moved away (who knows where) before we graduated. I remember her long hair, her small glasses, her sunny smile. I remember her gawky laughter, her voice speaking always speaking in A major, but sings in A-flat major. I remember her kick at my shin, underneath the table, inside the library, with Tony and Carrie sitting with us. And I remember her apparition before me, distant from the ESL portable, and I waved, and yelled out her name, only to find that she is not there. If she is to stand in front of me right now, would I recognize her? What makes her so haunting, that even now, after 7 years, I would still recall her so vividly in my mind?


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